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Welcome to Mama Hindsight! There are a couple of areas that I have spent a lot of time researching and I thought I could help others by sharing what I learn.

Optimum Health & Supplements

I have spent 13+ years in the Natural Products/Health & Wellness industry. I have tried A LOT of supplements to achieve optimum health and I will share what works for me and my family. I am a real person with a real budget and when I make choices I am prioritizing healthy, non-toxic solutions for my family.

Camping & Traveling with Children

I am finding there is a large learning curve on camping and traveling with children. We learn something that we could do better every time! We have been to multiple National Parks and I have found that the first time we go somewhere it takes the first time just to learn the lay of the land and we could have done better if I had the knowledge I have now. We often don’t have time to go back somewhere a second time so I hope this information helps you have the best vacation possible! Every time we go camping we figure out something that will make our future camping trips better. I hope something you read here helps make something easier and more enjoyable for you!



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Next Level Oats- Kid Approved!

Next Level Oats- Kid Approved!

I took our oatmeal to the next level this morning. As healthy and low in sugar as this breakfast was, my son still asked for seconds! My favorite oats are by One Degree- I love them because they are Glyphosate Free, Organic, Sprouted, and Gluten Free. Oatmeal is a great opportunity to sneak in a healthy oil such as Hemp Seed oil. I used Manitoba Harvest which added 12g of Omegas 3 and 6 per serving. I added a fresh apple by chopping it up and adding to the oats while they were simmering as well as a generous amount of cinnamon. Sometimes I will add a little bit of honey to sweeten or some organic walnuts for protein. Today with the apple simmered in and the cinnamon, it added enough flavor that my son didn’t even ask for the honey. Enjoy!

My Top 10 Book Picks for Inspiration and Personal Growth- Great Gift Ideas

My Top 10 Book Picks for Inspiration and Personal Growth- Great Gift Ideas